Avernum 6 skills
Avernum 6 skills

avernum 6 skills

The thing is that you can get almost as good reduction with no skills, and just armor and buffs - about 80-85%. And for most of the game, you will be a lot closer to 50-60% than 90%. However, I did out the math, and even with maxxed skills, armor, and magical buffs, you will never block more than about 90% of damage (physical or magical). Damage reduction works better since it will also affect magical attacks that can't be parried. Still it's not that bad except for having to wait until Fort Remote to get your 2 levels from a trainer. It's not a pure case since I do have high dexterity and defense to reduce attacks in the Eastern Gallery. I going back to finish up a resistance singleton game. Some time after I finish up Nethergate: Resurrection and A3 singletons. Written Monday, Ma05:46 Profile Homepage #19 If you want the skills to be buyable and useful, make them buyable and useful, don't throw off the rest of the game balance. Vertiginous.įor those skills, it is pretty much always better to spend the skill points elsewhere. Ludicrously! As for Blademaster, you need to invest a vertiginous amount just to break even with the same investment in Strength and one of Melee or Pole Weapons, and given the profuse non-skill-point based boosts to Str/Pole/Blademaster available, you'd never do that.

avernum 6 skills

Riposte is honestly not great - it doesn't seem to add to your chance of not being hit, it only works on melee attacks, and it does miniscule damage when it does work. Resistance isn't bad, but it's stupidly expensive, stupidly, prohibitively. Lethal Blow is good if you get a lot, but it's so absurdly expensive (absurdly) that even with 400 bonus skill points, it would be stupid not to invest them elsewhere. Anatomy doesn't really do much, at least at the low levels you can get to. Magical Efficiency is entirely useless AND insanely expensive. Parry and Quick Strike certainly, and sometimes Gymnastics, Sharpshooter, and Magery. Some of the skills are great to train in, because they have reasonable unlock costs AND provide useful abilities. I don't care if you get 200 bonus skill points when you start out, you're STILL not gonna want to train in Blademaster, Anatomy, Lethal Blow, Magical Efficiency, Riposte, or Resistance. The problem isn't the skill points, the problem is the skill costs (and powers). Written Saturday, Ma08:56 Profile Homepage #9 To prevent the early game from becoming impossible, the effect would be tapered in at floor(50% x current level) for low-level creatures. In theory this would raise the PCs' maximum achievable level by 8 also, giving them each 40 extra skill points by the end of the game which would go a long way to purchasing some special skills. I was thinking of adding 8 levels to every creature. The downside of this approach is it diminishes the advantages of lock-picking and quest completion. The second effect gives the desired extra skill points.

avernum 6 skills

The first effect is needed to balance against the advantage gained from making special skills more accessible. This has two effects: they become harder to kill and the party gets more experience for killing them. One, achievable, method would be to increase creatures' base levels (excluding PCs). So I think it would be preferable to devise a means of increasing the number of skill points available in the middle of the game, so that special skills could be trained earlier. Clearly solving (ii) would help to solve (i), but I would prefer a solution that made special skills available earlier in the game, not just at the very end. It seems to me there are two sides to this problem: (i) there are not enough skill points in the game to make all the special skills trainable and (ii) the party runs out of sources of experience at the end of the game. I've been pondering what one could do about this. Yeah, some of them aren't really train-able, at least not in a normal game without cheating. Written Saturday, Ma08:28 Profile Homepage #8

Avernum 6 skills